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K. Langston

author : K. Langston

K. has been married to her very own country boy for almost 16 years. They live in the deep south with their two crazy kids, a speckled beagle named Sadie and their coon hound Birdie. \n\nShe released her debut novel, Because You're Mine in September 2013. She has since released three follow up books in the MINE series, Until You're Mine, When You're Mine and Forever You're Mine. The final book of the series, You Are Mine, will release early 2017. \n\nK also co-wrote Unlawful Justice with fellow author and friend, KC Lynn. Her recent release, The Officer's Promise is an introduction to her newest series, Brothers in Blue, featuring six alpha brothers who each hold a different badge of the law. She’s also a contributing author to the USA Today Bestselling anthology, F*cking Awkward.\n\nK. writes with true passion and heart about what she knows, love, romance and all things southern. When she's not penning her next love story, you can find her nose buried between the pages of a good book. \n\n\nTo find out more about K. Langston go to www.authorklangjavascript:void(0)

K. Langston Book Series