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The Officer's Promise (Brothers in Blue Book 1) Page 11

  I rushed over to MaryAnn, radioing for an ambulance, panic slamming into me when I noticed the blood between her legs.

  “Ryker,” she moaned on a sob. “I’m so scared. The baby.”

  Anger swept through me followed by an indescribable fear. The thought of losing her was unbearable. “It’s okay, baby. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. Just stay with me.”

  Jesus, I prayed I was telling her the truth, that I could keep my promise.

  The melody floated through my ears like a gentle breeze, pulling me from my peaceful sleep. I blinked away the fogginess, smiling as the lyrics settled deep into my soul. I’m exhausted, but I wouldn’t miss this moment for anything in the world.

  I eased from the bed, tiptoeing down the hall to the living room where a dim lamp offered a soft glow. Van Morrison spun on vinyl, his mystic voice washed over me. A fish cannot live without water. A bird can’t live without a sky. And I can’t live without these two human beings. Home is more than just a place or a thing. It’s whom you can’t live without.

  Where the heart is.

  In just his uniform pants and dark undershirt, he swayed to the music, our daughter’s cheek resting on his firm chest.

  Abigail Ruth Cunningham was born six weeks early, proving once again to be our little fighter. She only stayed in NICU for just under three weeks before she was released. Ryker called her Rocky.

  I called her my miracle.

  That’s what the doctors had said, too. Due to hemorrhaging after my attack, they weren’t sure how she was able to survive, but by the grace of God, she did. They had put me on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. And while it was tough, I wouldn’t trade one single ounce of pain it took for this sweet girl to get here.

  Ryker sensed my presence, just like he always does, and slowly spun to face me, lifting his chin.

  I walked toward him. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  He leaned down to drop a kiss to my waiting lips.

  “You need your sleep too, baby. Besides, she kept cooing ‘DaDa.’”

  I giggled.

  “Really? At eight weeks old?”

  “You don’t believe me?” His low, teasing voice, like his strong fingers, caressed my skin. Pressing a kiss to the top her head, Ryker smiled before laying her down in the basinet. “Come here,” he said, taking me in his arms.

  I don’t know where I would be without this man. The way he looked at her. The way he looked at me…

  We were his world.

  And they were mine, too.

  The song switched to “Crazy Love” and his eyes lit up as he wrapped one arm around my waist, lifting me to stand on his bare feet.

  I draped my arms around his neck as he moved us around the living room.

  “Closing on the house tomorrow,” he said softly.

  “I know.”

  “You excited?”

  “Very. I’m ready to have a yard.”

  Ryker grinned.

  “How about you?”

  “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we live.”

  “Well, you love me so you’re supposed to say that,” I teased.

  He laughed but kept it low, rumbling in his chest. Gosh, how many people get to say that they not only fell in love with their soul mate once, but twice, and over and over again every single day since? There have been moments where I thought there was no way I could love him more, but then he always manages to prove me wrong.

  “So, we got the baby.”


  “The house.”


  “The family pet.” Ryker nodded at Bernard, sleeping soundly on top of the sofa. “Guess there’s just one thing missing.”

  “What’s that?”

  He stopped moving, bringing one hand between us, holding a ring between his fingers. “Making you my wife.”

  I gasped.

  “Will you marry me?”


  My heart was overwhelmed with emotions. Tears sprung to my eyes as Ryker continued. “I want to share my life with you. Do everything I can to make you and my family happy.” Slipping the ring on my finger, he vowed, “That’s a promise.”

  The End

  If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence or abuse, please speak up. You never know, you could be their last chance for survival.

  There are many organizations out there, but I’ve found S.A.F.E. to be the most universal and available in a lot of cities across the US.

  To my family and my dearest, closest friends, you know who you are, thank you for your endless love and support.

  To my hooch, best friend, partner in crime, ride or die, K.C. Lynn, thank you for your insight, feedback, and for kicking my ass every step of the way.

  You’re my hero.

  If it weren’t for you, Kirby and Clare, my life would greatly suck. Thank you both for your support, honesty, and most of all, your friendship.

  Megan @ Wild Rose Editing, thank you for your patience and for making this happen in such a short amount of time. You and your logic are AMAZING all the time. Love you!

  Kari March @ Kari March Designs for such a sexy cover.

  I would also like to thank Candace, Alycia, Sian, Alissa, Traci, and Lara for beta reading my baby for me.

  You ladies rock!

  The series continues this fall with The Detective’s Trust (Reid and Cassidy’s story.)

  Brothers In Blue Reading Order

  The Officer’s Promise (Ryker)

  The Detective’s Trust (Reid)

  The Sergeant’s Protection (Justin)

  The Lieutenant’s Possession (Asher)

  The Commander’s Truth (Benson)

  The Sherriff’s Vow (Denver)

  Find out more about K. Langston’s other books and upcoming releases by visiting her on Facebook, Instagram, or

  As always, thank you so much for reading.

  Continue reading for a sneak peek of Beautifully Insightful, a standalone romantic suspense by author K.C. Lynn featuring Ryder Jameson as mention in The Officer’s Promise.


  Emily Michaels ~ I see the world differently than everyone else, I feel everything differently, and I reflect on life differently. And being different in my world is not a good thing. I live in a place that’s divided between the rich and the poor, the beautiful and the unbeautiful, the prestigious and the mediocre. I have always belonged in the first category, because my father was the Governor of Georgia.

  Growing up around people I could never relate with, my life had always been lonely, that was until my senior year when I met the one boy who would change my life forever. A boy who my parents would never approve of because he didn’t come from money or the same social class. He rode a motorcycle, had tattoos, and was considered to be from the wrong side of the tracks. Yet, he was still envied by many.

  Ryder Jameson was someone who every guy feared, and one who every girl wanted to be touched by. He didn’t do attachments, or have friends…until me. And for the first time in my life, I finally felt like I belonged. When I was with him, my different didn’t feel wrong or ugly. He made me feel beautiful—insightfully beautiful. Then one day my world came crashing down on me, and it would be six years before I’d once again see the boy I fell in love with.

  Ryder Jameson ~ After working my ass off, I am given the opportunity of a lifetime, and if I pull it off, I will be the youngest FBI agent to run one of the biggest undercover operations in history. Only the case that gets thrown in front of me leads me back to the one place I swore I would never return to, and to the only girl who’s ever mattered to me.

  Except Emily Michaels is not the same girl I left behind. She still looks the same, she’s still beautiful inside and out, but there’s one thing that’s very different about her, one very big thing, and it’s something I didn’t think was possible.

  * * *

and I come from a world where politics separates us and wealth defines us, but even after all this time we will not let it divide us. Here is our story.



  My heart pounds fast and my stomach twists with nerves as I run my hands down the front of my dress, smoothing out any possible wrinkles there might be. “Well, Summer, what do you think, do I look okay?” I ask my dog who stands close to my left side. She gives a low whine and brushes against my leg. With a smile, I lean down and run my fingers through her soft fur. “I know, girl, I’m going to miss you, too. I’ll be back before you know it then you will be my partner once again.” She releases another whine and nudges my cheek with the side of her nose. Giggling, I kiss the top of her head then hear my bedroom door open as I stand back up. I instantly tense, thinking it’s my mother, then expel a sigh of relief when the familiar scent of warm sugar penetrates the p.

  “Oh, Emily, sweetheart, you look so pretty,” Rosa, our housekeeper, says sweetly as she steps into my room.

  I turn toward the direction of her voice. “Really? I look okay? Do I look…normal?”

  I feel her step closer before framing my face between her well-worn hands. “You look perfect, because you are perfect.”

  I smile softly and wonder why she couldn’t have been my mother. Although, I suppose she has been in every way that matters. “Thanks, Rosa, but we both know that’s because my mother wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Nonsense!” she replies heatedly, her accent thickening like it does every time she gets upset. “She can fuss with you all she wants, but she does not control what is in here.” Her voice softens as she lays her warm hand over my heart.

  I swallow past the sudden ache in my throat and voice my biggest fear. “I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m scared my parents are right, and that I’m going to be nothing but a joke.”

  “Oh, Emily, you must know by now that your parents’ perceptions are very misguided. We’ve talked about this.”

  “I know, and I’m trying to remember that. It’s just… Going back to school after all these years? What on earth am I thinking?”

  “You’re thinking that you want to spend your senior year with society, and not be locked up here like you have been for the past ten years.”

  “What happens if my parents are right and I’m not accepted by the others?”

  “Then it’s their loss, not yours.” When I don’t say anything, she moves her hands to my shoulders in a gentle, yet firm grip. “This is going to be a good thing, Emily, I know it. You are going to shine like you always do. Besides, you will know a lot of the kids, and you always have Cece.”

  I think about the one girl who is the closest person I have to a real friend. “Yeah, but a lot of the people I know are ones I wish I didn’t. I have a hard time relating to them.”

  “That’s why you are going to make new friends,” she responds strongly.

  I shake myself out of my pity party and stand up straighter. “You’re right. Besides, I am doing this for myself, to prove that I can. It does not matter what anyone else thinks.”

  “There’s my girl.” I sense Rosa lean in and feel her press a familiar kiss to my cheek. “Now, let’s go downstairs, Cece will be here soon to pick you up.”

  I lean down and give Summer, my guide dog, one more kiss on the head before grabbing my bag and following Rosa out of my room.

  I try to ignore the sudden emptiness I feel without her and Rosa senses it. “She will be okay, Emily. I’ll watch over her while you’re gone.”

  I smile and nod. Leaving her is harder than I thought it would be. She’s my very best friend, and has been by my side for the last four years. If there is ever a time I misjudge something, I know I can always count on her. You will be fine, I remind myself. I’ve walked that school repeatedly over the entire summer. I probably know it better than any person who can see, and if I do need help, I will have Cece.

  I grab onto the wooden railing that edges the long hallway leading to my stairs, and feel Rosa follow close behind me as I start my descent. I’m just about to ask her if my mother has come down yet, but I don’t need to because I can sense her, as I get closer to the bottom of the stairs. Her overwhelming perfume penetrates my senses, and I swear the air drops in temperature as I feel her disapproving stare.

  “Good morning, Mother,” I greet her carefully, knowing she’s going to be in even more of a foul mood than usual today.

  “I guess you’re still planning to go through with this stupid idea of yours.”

  I don’t let her condescending tone deter me. “Yes. I told you I am not changing my mind.”

  I hear her huff then feel her step closer. I try not to roll my eyes as she fixes my hair and fusses with my dress; I’m clearly not up to her standards. I also get a whiff of vodka on her breath, something that isn’t uncommon. “I don’t remember your dress being this snug.”

  I grind my teeth and restrain myself from replying back with a snide remark. I learned long ago not to waste my breath on my mother. Nothing I say will ever change who she is. Hopefully, this will be my last year in this house and all my plans will fall into place after I graduate.

  I feel Rosa place her hand on the small of my back reassuringly, which makes my mother snap. “Rosa, leave us while I talk to Emily.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Michaels.” She leans in and kisses my cheek. “Bye, Miss Emily,” she says softly, adding the ‘miss’ for my mother’s sake. “Have a fabulous first day. I know you will shine like you always do.”

  “Bye, Rosa.”

  I hear her walk away before my mother starts in on me. “That woman babies you too much.”

  “She doesn’t baby me, she is kind to me.” Something my mother knows nothing about. Sometimes, I wonder why she and my father bothered to have a child, but then I remember it’s all about image.

  “Would you stop looking at me like that?” she snaps with disgust. “Where are your glasses, and why are you not wearing them?”

  I reach into my bag and pull out my designer aviators. “They’re right here.” I sigh softly, knowing I should have put them on before I came down.

  “Then put them on. You know the deal, Emily. This is embarrassing enough for your father and me. If I hear of you taking them off while you are at school, I will pull you out so fast your head will spin. Got it?”

  Tears sting my eyes as I swallow past the hurt clogging my throat before putting them on. “Don’t you think I will look more ridiculous wearing them inside?”

  “No, I don’t, and you know that!”

  She’s right, I do. For some reason, my mother has never liked the color of my eyes; she says they stand out too much. After I lost my vision, she made me keep them covered as often as possible. She says they wander and frighten people. Rosa says she’s crazy and that my eyes are beautiful. I don’t remember much about them, since I was so young when I lost my sight. But Rosa tells me they are very unique, a pale blue that reminds her of a snow princess. When I don’t wear my glasses, I always try my hardest to focus, but I guess I didn’t do a very good job this morning. That, and my mother is in an even more hateful mood than usual, which I knew she would be.

  “I’ll keep them on,” I promise quietly.

  Before she can say anything else nasty, my father walks in. “Emily, good, you’re still here.” I turn to my left at where I hear his voice and instantly get a whiff of his expensive cologne. “I wanted to let you know I was at the Prescott’s last night, and Kyle has graciously said he would watch out for you at school.”

  I tense, and my stomach recoils at the mention of the jerk’s name. I grind my teeth. “I told you I don’t need him to watch out for me. I don’t want anything to do with him.”

  “Stop being a brat,” my mother cuts in. “You are lucky someone like him is willing to include you, and—”

  “Lucky!” I interrupt with a shout. “How am I lucky? You do remember me telling you he tried forcing himself on me at the cha
rity dinner, right?”

  “He didn’t try to force himself on you,” my father replies in annoyance. “We have talked about this. His father and I think it would be good for you two to see each other, especially with the upcoming campaign. And—”

  “Good for you, but not for me! The jerk shoved his tongue down my throat after I said no.”

  “Oh, stop being such a drama queen,” my mother chimes back in. “And if you ask me, it’s good for you. I mean, really, Emily, if someone like him is willing to date you, with your…disability then I wouldn’t be rejecting it. The chance of you getting another opportunity with someone like him is slim to none.”

  I grind my teeth so hard I’m surprised my jaw doesn’t snap, and feel tears start to slip down my cheeks, which only makes me more angry that I let her get to me. “Yeah, well, I didn’t ask you, and I would rather have no opportunity than to have one with him.” Not wanting to stick around a second longer, I step past my mother and head to the front door. I try to push down my anger and concentrate on my direction.

  Just as I reach out and grasp the handle, she says, “Don’t come crying to me, Emily, when this all blows up in your face like I know it will.”

  I don’t bother to tell her that I would never come crying to her, because I know better. I’ve always known better. Opening the door, I walk out and make sure to slam it behind me. I take a moment and inhale a deep breath of fresh air, hoping to calm my angry heartbeat and the hurt trying to suffocate me.

  Thankfully, it isn’t long before I hear the familiar sound of Cece’s high-pitched horn as she does her usual double honk while driving up the long road to my house. I walk across my porch and down the three steps just as she pulls up.

  “Well hello, beautiful,” she greets me brightly. “Look at you, eagerly awaiting my arrival. Are you that excited for your first day of school?”

  I reach for the handle of her convertible. “Try—I was eagerly escaping my parents,” I reply dully as I get in the car.