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Unlawful Justice Page 12

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Afraid not. We take these matters very seriously.”

  “Did you not read my report? The guy resisted arrest and not only assaulted me first but also assaulted another officer with a fucking bat.”

  “I understand that, which is why this is not being taken lightly and we need to investigate further. Considering the circumstances involving the previous allegations against Officer Prichard, and your close involvement with Miss Bradshaw, we feel it’s best for you to be relieved of duty until we can conclude our investigation.”

  I can’t fucking believe this. Looking at Dixon for backup, I can tell this isn’t something he’s pleased with either. “It’s out of my hands, son. I’ve tried everything, but I have no choice.”

  “This is bullshit,” I tell Spencer.

  “Hostility will get you nowhere.”

  “Hostile? You think I’m hostile? That bastard brutally raped and attempted to kill a woman I care about, and you think I’m hostile?” I drag my fingers frantically through my hair, anger consuming the rational part of me. With Reggie being offered a deal and now this, my control is nonexistent.

  Larson mumbles something else behind me, but I can’t make out the words. The blood pounding in my ears makes it impossible. Without a second thought I spin in place and shove him against the closed door. I want to wrap my fingers around his skinny neck, but somehow I refrain. “I warned you, asshole, shut your fucking mouth.”

  He grits his teeth, lifting his chin. “You have no one to blame for any of this but yourself, Taylor. You should know the rules by now.” He taunts, clearly enjoying the position I’m in. “Guess you’re not as honorable as your ol’ man, like everyone likes to think.”

  My restraint cracks, and I lunge forward. “You son of a bitch!”

  A pair of hands pull me back just before I can reach the bastard. “Easy, Deputy Taylor,” Spencer warns.

  I point at Larson, fury surging through my veins. “How dare you bring my dad into this, you piece of shit.”

  “He’s right.” Dixon stands, coming to my defense. “You’re out of line, Larson. Out of my office now.”

  Henderson stands as well, not looking too pleased with the asshole himself. “Let’s go.”

  With a final glare in my direction, Larson storms out after him. My breathing is harsh and unforgiving.

  “Let’s get back to the matter at hand,” Agent Spencer says, releasing me. “I’m sorry to have to do this, Deputy Taylor, but as of today you are relieved of duty with pay until further notice. I need to collect your badge and your weapon now, please.”

  Silence descends in the room like a cloud of black smoke. “I can’t believe this,” I mumble. I can’t believe I’m about to lose the one thing that matters most to me. “For how long?” I ask.

  “Until the review board says otherwise. We have to handle this delicately after what happened with Deputy Prichard.”

  “This isn’t even the same fucking thing. Why am I being compared to him?”

  “I’m sorry,” he says with sincere regret.

  Yeah, well, not as fucking sorry as I am.

  I reluctantly pull my weapon from my holster and rip the badge from my chest, slamming them both on the desk.

  Dixon walks around and grips my shoulder. “I have your back, son, you know that. We will get this squared away. I promise.”

  I can’t even respond back, I have no words. Shaking my head, I storm from the office and out of the department, only to run into Terrell. “Hey, what the hell just happened in there? I heard you almost took off Larson’s head.”

  “IA has suspended me, pending an investigation for excessive force on West.”

  “What?” he shouts. “Are you fucking joking?”


  “They didn’t suspend Prichard while doing his investigation. Why you?”

  I shrug, still not understanding any of it either. “Fuck if I know but to make matters worse they’re offering that motherfucker a deal.”

  Anger flashes in his dark eyes. “Why the fuck would they do that? Especially with the evidence we have.”

  “They want the others, something I had already planned on doing. And this won’t stop me. They may have taken my gun and badge, but I’m not giving up. I will make sure everyone who was involved in hurting Liv is brought down.”

  He nods. “You know I will, too. Just…be careful, Taylor. We need you ’round here, brother. There ain’t many good guys left. If you need anything, I got your back.”

  I clasp his shoulder, his loyalty easing my bitter turmoil. “I appreciate that, man. More than you know.”

  We say goodbye with a promise to keep in contact daily so we both stay informed.

  I climb inside my truck and find myself heading out to my mom’s, knowing she needs to hear this from me before anyone else tells her. On my drive over I think about what that bastard Larson said about my dad, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s right.

  The thought makes me nauseous.

  I pull into my mother’s driveway and exhale a long breath. Since my father died, my mother hasn’t been the same. His death was hard on us both. It’s days like today where I miss him even more. I could use his words of wisdom right now and to know he isn’t looking down on me with disappointment.

  By the time I walk inside the front door my anger has slightly diminished.

  My mother greets me as I walk into the kitchen. A plain white apron tied around her waist.

  “Grayson, hi,” she says with a warm smile.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  Her smile vanishes, sensing my dark mood, and concern quickly takes its place. “What’s wrong?”

  I drop in the chair, debating how to tell her. “I was suspended.”

  “What?” She gasps. “But why?”

  I swallow hard. “For using excessive force in the arrest of Reggie West.” I don’t need to explain who Reggie is, she knows, the whole town does by now.

  She watches me, her eyes soft but assessing. “Did you?” she whispers, and I can see the fear in her eyes.

  I nod. “Yeah, I did…I think.” With a frustrated groan I press the palms of my hands to my face, feeling the heat on my cheeks. “I don’t know, Mom. I don’t know what to think.”

  She sits across from me, placing her hand gently on my arm.

  I lift my eyes to hers, wondering where to begin, and decide to start from the beginning. I explain what went down with the arrest. Filling her in on everything. She remains patiently quiet. I watch for any kind of judgment or disappointment, but I see none, only understanding. I then proceed to tell her about the plea bargain he’s being offered.

  “Oh, Grayson, I’m so sorry. I can see why you’re so conflicted and upset.”

  “I’m pissed. He deserves to rot in prison for what he did.”

  “Yes, he does. I’m surprised they are suspending you for the investigation. He did attack you and the other officer first.”

  “Yeah, he did and that’s a big part of what happened, but…that isn’t the only reason why I hit him.”


  I hesitate, hating to repeat the words that bastard said to me, but somehow I do. I tell her exactly what he said.

  She sucks in a sharp breath, placing a shaky hand to her heart. “Oh my God.” Tears glisten in her eyes.

  “After he said that I lost it. I kept my control in check until then. But I just couldn’t let him get away with it, Mom. All I could see was Liv’s beaten body, and I…I snapped. And the worst part is…I don’t regret it.”

  With a sniffle she wipes a lone tear tailing down her cheek. “I can understand that.”

  “Do you?” I ask, my voice raw and gruff.

  She nods. “Yes, I do. I’m not saying it’s right but your emotions were running high. He hurt another deputy then you, and most importantly Olivia, who is someone I can tell you care a great deal about,” she says. “I think anyone in your position would have done the same
. I also think that after the investigation is done Internal Affairs will see that, too. You’re a good boy, Grayson. I’m proud of you.”

  I look back at her, and ask her something I’m not sure she can answer. “What about Dad?”

  “What about him?” she asks, her brows furrowing in confusion.

  “Do you think he agrees? Would he still be proud of me?”

  Her face softens. “Oh yes, Grayson, he would be so proud of you. Don’t ever doubt that.”

  I shake my head. “I just…I don’t know what to do. All I want is justice for Liv. This town is in an uproar. This case is an even bigger mess. How can I look her in the eyes and tell her everything will be okay when I’m not even sure that it will be?”

  She reaches over, placing her hand on the side of my cheek. “You do what your father told you to do, ‘seek the truth and you will find justice’. Just keep doing that, son, and I know you will find justice for her.”

  Closing my eyes, I remember the day my dad said those words to me.

  They now hold more meaning than ever before.



  Making jewelry has always been a passion of mine. Even when I was a little girl, Pap would buy me the jewelry making kits you see at the general stores. He cursed about finding those beads everywhere, but whenever I made him one of my special creations he always went on about how great they were, no matter how awful they looked. I’ve gotten a little better since then, and I do pretty well for myself. Now it gives me something to do besides sit around and read all day while I heal.

  Sitting at the desk in my bedroom, I just finished making my third bracelet when the sound of a tractor draws me from my thoughts.

  My brows furrow. “Pap’s back from fertilizing the crop already?” I murmur to myself.

  Getting up, I look out the window and gasp in surprise when I see it’s not Pap but Grayson. All the breath leaves my body and my mouth goes dry at his shirtless state, as he jumps off the tractor.

  What on earth is he doing here? And on Pap’s tractor? He doesn’t let anyone touch his equipment.

  As he heads toward the barn I scoot off my bed then take a quick look in the mirror, and groan at my appearance. My hair is a tangled mess since I didn’t dry it after my shower last night. I pull it over my shoulder and work it into a loose braid, then shed my comfy lounge clothes and throw on my new, soft yellow sundress. It’s loose but flattering and hangs about mid-thigh. It shows a little more of my faded bruises than I would like, but I remember that Grayson has seen me at my worst… That thought causes a bout of insecurity and nausea to run through me. I shake my head. “Stop being ridiculous.”

  With a deep breath I dig for a little more courage, before I walk out of my house with a confident stride. Excitement swirls in my tummy as I make my way to Grayson, thinking about the last time I saw him. When his possessive lips claimed mine and changed my world in an instant.

  Will he kiss me again? Or was it a one-time thing?

  These are questions I’ve been asking myself since that night, almost to the point I’ve driven myself crazy over it. I finally came to the conclusion that I wouldn’t overthink it and just let things happen as they are meant to, whether they form into something more or not.

  Entering the barn, I come to a hard stop when I don’t see him. The back door leading to the pasture is open so I head toward it, making sure to stop and say hello to Rosie before I walk out. Then I see him. His back is facing me as he stacks bales upon bales of hay. His lean, hard body glistens with sweat, causing my mouth to water.

  “You gonna stare at me all day or come say hi?”

  I snap out of my thoughts, realizing he knows I’ve been standing here staring at him like an idiot. “How did you know I was here?” I ask quietly, embarrassment warming my cheeks.

  “I always know when you’re near,” he says, sending my heart into a frenzy. He turns around, a sexy smirk tilting his lips that dies quickly when he takes in my appearance. His eyes slide down my body as if they were his hands, touching me in places I’ve only dreamed about. “Nice dress, Liv.” His tone is deep and smooth.

  Oh Lord.

  “Uh, thank you. You look nice, too.” My eyes fall closed, humiliation setting my face on fire again. I can’t believe I just said that.

  Yeah, you look great in your dirty jeans.

  I shake my head, wanting to slap myself for the stupid remark. I open my eyes when his husky chuckle meets my ears. “Forget I said that,” I say, twisting my hands nervously in front of me.

  He starts toward me, his purposeful gait closing the distance between us as he removes the work gloves from his hands, shoving them into his back pocket. I retreat until my back kisses the fence. His arms go on either side of me, gripping the white metal rail and caging me in. His masculine scent hangs deliciously in the air around us, making my head spin.

  “You don’t think I look good?” he asks, amusement laced in every word.

  “Oh no, no, that’s not what I meant at all. I just meant that you’re dirty and working and…” I release a frustrated breath. I’m making it worse. “Never mind, I’m just going to shut up now.”

  Another chuckle tumbles from his perfect lips, the beautiful sound unleashing a swarm of butterflies in my belly. I could listen to that sound every single day, even if it was at my own stupid expense.

  “Don’t ever shut up, Liv, I love listening to you talk.” My heart jackhammers in my chest as he leans in close, bringing his lips to my ear. “Even if it’s nonsense I could listen to you all day long.”

  Why must he say things like this to me, it makes it hard for me to think straight. And that smooth baritone of his, it wraps around each word so seductively, like sweet honey being drizzled all over my skin. He steps back to look down at me, and I take the opportunity to do some looking of my own. I take in his hard, sculpted body. His chiseled abs look like they are carved from stone.

  Good grief, he is far too sexy for his own good.

  His smirk spreads, as if he can read my thoughts. Clearing my throat, I find a shred of what’s left of my composure. “What are you doing here?” I realize how rude that sounded so I rush to correct it. “Working on the farm, I mean.”

  “Thought I’d come help Walter out a bit, I know this is his busiest time of year and he could use a hand. I also knew I’d get to see you.”

  A big, silly smile takes over my face, little does he know he doesn’t need an excuse to come out and see me, but I appreciate how thoughtful he is. I know Pap could certainly use the help. “You don’t have to work today?”

  His expression darkens, and I immediately regret asking the simple question.


  “Is everything all right?” I ask nervously. He peers down at me, remaining silent, as if he’s conflicted about whether to answer or not. “Grayson, what’s going on?”

  “I’ve been suspended while an investigation is being done by Internal Affairs.”

  “Suspended?” I gasp. “But why? What are they investigating?”

  “The arrest of Reggie West. He’s saying I assaulted him.”

  “What? How dare he say something like that? Why on earth would they even believe him, especially after what he’s done?”

  “They still need to investigate. I’m sure they will have it resolved soon.” Something shifts in his expression, something I can’t decipher, but before I can ask him about it he clears his throat and changes the subject. “The hearing is tomorrow.”

  “I know.” I nod, my voice soft. “Mr. Henderson came by last night and told me they offered him a plea bargain in exchange for the names of the others.”

  His gaze hardens, clearly not liking the fact. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but Mr. Henderson did say that he would serve time and at least the others will be arrested, too. And while I’m not pleased about Reggie’s deal, I am grateful for the last part. I think that’s why I am still having a hard time sleeping, I hate knowing the others are
still out there, never knowing if they will come for me and finish what they started.

  “Are you going?” he asks.

  I nod. “Yeah, I am.” I didn’t go to the arraignment but Mr. Henderson told me what the plea would be, and I wanted to avoid facing him for as long as I could. I do want to be there for his sentencing though. I know it will give me some closure, some measure of safety.

  Even if just for a little while.

  “I want to take you,” Grayson says, making me smile.

  “Are you asking me or telling me?”

  He hesitates with his answer. “Which one will make you say yes?”

  His response makes me giggle, but it dies quickly when he reaches up and softly cups my cheek. “I want to be there for you, Liv.”

  Reaching up, I cover his hand with my own and lean into his touch. “Okay. I’ll have Pap and Tania meet us there or follow us.” They plan on coming too, but as much as I need their support I need Grayson’s more. He makes me feel safe, and I feel like I can face anything with him standing next to me. “I’m nervous,” I admit quietly, “and scared.”

  He drops his forehead on mine, his dark blue gaze penetrating. “It’ll be okay. Tomorrow will be the start of putting all of this shit to rest.”

  My throat burns at his words. He pulls me against him and holds me tight. I close my eyes on a silent prayer, hoping he’s right. Hoping that tomorrow brings a new beginning and some semblance of peace.



  Located thirty miles north of Harmony Falls, situated on five private acres of rich Texas soil, they gather. Coming from big cities and towns all across the Lone Star State, the men and women of the Ku Klux Klan join their leader for monthly meetings. But this meeting is special. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and the voice of our people will not be suppressed any longer.

  Some would say the Klan is dead. The brotherhood does not boast their secret society. They are, however, dedicated warriors. The last line of defense. Their commitment is simple.