Unlawful Justice Read online

Page 15

  It takes me a moment to join reality once again. As my eyes flutter open I see Grayson watching me, in a way that has my heart stalling in my chest. He stares down at me like I’m the only other person in the world besides him, as if I matter, as if…I’m his.

  Reaching up, I cup his swollen jaw. “Thank you,” I whisper, not knowing what else to say in fear of what I will reveal.

  He kisses the inside of my hand, then mouth, and then one to my forehead before shifting beside me and pulling me close. “Sleep, baby.”

  My eyes fall closed, the safety of his arms allowing me to embrace the peaceful slumber that awaits.



  Sunlight peeks through the sheer curtains as I slowly open my eyes. Glancing down next to me, I find Liv sleeping soundly. She looks every bit of the angel she is, with her head buried in the crook of my shoulder and an arm draped over my stomach. Heat invades my blood as I remember last night. Jesus, the way she felt beneath me and how she fell apart from the lightest touch of my fingers… It has me dying to know what she’ll be like when I take all of her.

  I had no intention of doing any of that when I brought her to bed. I only wanted her to feel safe so she could sleep but when she begged me to touch her—I was fucking done for. After last night I realize it’s time to take this to the next level. With everything that’s happened I’ve been taking things slow, not wanting to rush or scare her. Last night proved she’s as ready as I am, which is why I’ve made the decision to take her to the cabin for a few days—if she’ll come.

  I want to get her away from all this bullshit before the trial starts. Hell, I want to get away from it. After what I witnessed yesterday, I know shit is only going to get worse before it gets better, and I need to decide how the hell I’m going to handle Prichard. No way am I going to let him get away with what he pulled. He can’t be trusted and shouldn’t be on the force. I just need to figure out how to tell Dixon that.

  While sitting at Clover Hill for hours yesterday, trying to clear my head, I thought about what my father would do, how he would handle this. His last words continued to echo in my mind…

  Seek the truth and you will find justice.

  It’s exactly what I’m going to do, not only regarding Prichard but Liv’s case, too. I will find out who else was there, and I’ll find the evidence needed to put West away along with everyone else.

  With or without the badge, I will find justice.

  I shake myself from the thought and ease out of bed, careful not to wake Liv. Leaning down, I drop a light kiss to her forehead before quietly leaving the room.

  I walk into the kitchen, hoping Walt might still be in bed, but skid to a halt when I see him sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other.


  “Mornin’,” he greets.

  I’m having a hard time gauging his mood by the indifferent expression on his face. For all I know I’ll soon meet the barrel of his shotgun after walking out of his granddaughter’s room.

  “Morning, Walt.” I tug the back of my neck, feeling awkward as hell and a little guilty. I’m well aware that Liv and I are adults, but this is Walt’s house and the last thing I want to do is disrespect him. “Listen, I’m sorry. I wanted Liv to sleep so I laid down with her, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I meant no disrespect.”

  He glares at me, his hard features not wavering in the least. I start wondering if I’m about to find a bullet in my ass when he raises a mug. “Cups are next to the sink, help yourself and have a seat. We need to talk.”

  This is about to get real awkward.

  After pouring myself a cup of coffee, I take my time sliding into the seat across from him, scanning the room to make sure there’s no sight of that shotgun. Without a word he pushes the newspaper across the table. I take a tentative drink from my cup, swallowing hard as I focus on a disturbing image staring back at me from the front page of the Harmony Falls Herald. The photo has my forgotten rage spiking hard and fast, reminding me of the madness that took place yesterday.

  The headline reads:

  Hate Fills the Streets of Harmony Falls

  Walt watches me for a reaction, taking a long drink from his mug before placing the cup in front of him. He leans forward, resting his forearms on the table, contemplating his words. “She’s been through a lot, my Livy. Losing her parents so young. Then her grandmother passing away a few years back. God rest their souls.” He shakes his head with a pained sigh. “Now this,” he says, staring down at the newspaper. “Last night was the first time I haven’t heard her pacing the floors.”

  He pauses, lifting his eyes to mine.

  “I’m not going to lie, I don’t enjoy watching a man walk out of her room. If I had it my way I’d keep her to myself forever. She’s all I have left.” His voice grows thick before he clears it, shifting in his chair. “But I know that’s not possible and it’s not fair to her. I’m not gonna live forever, hell, who knows how much longer I got, then it will be her who has no one. She’s built her whole life around taking care of me, which is why she still lives here and not in the guesthouse. It’s time someone takes care of her. It’s obvious she feels safe with you, and for that I’m grateful. I need to know there’s someone to look after her when I’m gone.”

  “I will.”

  His turbulent eyes remain locked on mine, desperation bleeding from dark brown orbs. “Promise me, no matter what, that you won’t let anyone hurt her again.”

  “I promise. I’m not going anywhere. I care a lot about her, Walt. No matter what happens between us, I’ll always keep her safe. No one will ever fucking hurt her again.”

  He gives me a stern nod. “Good. That’s what I wanted to hear and that’s why I’m not gonna kick your ass for sleeping in her bed last night.” He tosses me a wink before he gets up to refill his cup.

  Fair enough.

  “I want to take her to my cabin in Arkansas for the weekend. Get her away from here for a few days.”

  “I think that would be good for the both of you. I’ll drive up to Stockton then, there’s a tractor for sale I want to check out, but I didn’t want to leave her here alone.”

  “You sure you don’t need help with that?”

  He waves me away. “Naw, I’m gonna see if Fletch wants to ride with me. We usually head that way together when we need supplies, and it will be good to catch up with him. With all this bullshit goin’ on it’s been hard to do that.”

  “That’s a good idea,” I’ve been meaning to check in with Fletcher again but haven’t had the chance.

  “What’s a good idea?” The sound of Liv’s soft voice pulls my eyes to the entry of the kitchen.

  Fuck me.

  She’s still in her nightgown but wears that sweater she likes so much. It does nothing to stop my imagination from conjuring up what’s beneath it. Especially after the tiny glimpses I got last night. My eyes move back to hers, and by the blush staining her cheeks it’s clear she knows exactly what I’m thinking.

  “Morning, Livy,” Walter greets her, interrupting our silent exchange.

  “Morning, Pap.” She makes her way over to him and kisses his cheek. “So are one of you going to fill me in on this good idea you two were talking about?” she asks, looking back at me with a raised brow.

  “Think I’ll go see about Rosie,” Walt says, emptying his cup into the sink.

  “What about breakfast?” she asks.

  “I ate a bowl of oats earlier.”

  Liv eyes him suspiciously then shifts to look in the sink. “Where’s your bowl?”

  He clears his throat. “I washed it and put it away already.”

  “Pap!” Her growl makes me grin and so does the way she props her tiny hands on her hips.

  She’s hot as hell when she’s fired up.

  “Oh, all right, give me one of those damn nutritious bars, and I’ll take it out to the barn with me.”

  She grabs one down from the cabinet and h
ands it to him, but doesn’t release it right away. “You better not feed this to Rosie or I’ll know.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He kisses her on the cheek then points the offending nutritious bar at me. “You better be a breakfast man or you’re in trouble, son,” he says, before trailing out the door.

  “The stubborn old man,” she grumbles.

  When she moves to walk past me I grab her wrist, catching her off guard, and pull her down to straddle me. Her gown rides up to reveal smooth, bare thighs. Those soft pink lips part, and I move in, cutting off whatever she was about to say by claiming her mouth the same way I want to claim her body.

  A sexy moan vibrates from her lips and she immediately softens against me, winding her arms around my neck, giving as good as she gets. The growl that rumbles from my chest is low and deep as the taste of her floods my mouth.

  I slow the kiss, not wanting to get too carried away. I narrowly escaped Walt’s gun earlier, if he walked back in here right now I’m not sure he’d be so forgiving again. I press my forehead against hers, holding on tight to those big doe eyes that are hooded with desire.

  “Mornin’,” I say, giving her another soft kiss.

  “Mmm. Good morning,” she responds breathlessly, making my dick harder. “What was that for?”

  “Because I wanted to, and because you’re sexy as hell when you’re bossy.”

  She giggles that sweet laugh of hers that always hits me like a punch to the chest.

  I cup her delicate cheek. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Better than I have in weeks, thanks to you.”

  My hand drops to her leg, grazing the silky skin. “Good.”

  Her fingers gently press around the cut above my eye. “Swelling’s gone down,” she points out before bringing that same finger to the cut on my lip. “Here, too,” she whispers, giving me one of her soft, sweet kisses. When she pulls back she fixes her eyes on mine. “So what were you and Pap talking about when I walked in?”

  I continue to caress her thigh, unable to stop touching her. It makes me wonder how the fuck I’ve made it this long without her. “I want to take you away for a couple of days. I have a cabin in Arkansas on a lake. It belonged to my father. It’s quiet up there, no one around for miles. I think it’ll be good to get away from all this. I want to spend time alone with you, without any distractions.”

  She smiles, filling my chest with warmth. “It sounds wonderful, but…” She trails off, unsure.


  “I’m not sure about leaving Pap. Especially with everything going on. What happens if someone comes here to hurt him?”

  I wrap my arms around her waist and bring her in closer. “Baby, if anyone can take care of themselves it’s Walt. I was afraid for my own safety walking out of your room this morning.”

  She vehemently shakes her head. “No, he cannot. Just look at this morning. He almost didn’t eat breakfast. If not for me that man would live off coffee, bacon, and beer.”

  “What’s wrong with that?” She gives me the same disapproving look she did Walter earlier. I chuckle. “I’m kidding. Come on, he’ll be okay. You heard him, he thinks it’s a good idea, and he wants to take a trip up to Stockton anyway.” She stares back at me indecisively. I can tell she wants to say yes but she’s worried. “I’ll ask Terrell to come by and check on him if that makes you feel better.” I offer.

  Excitement sparkles in her eyes. “Yes, that’s perfect. I’ll also ask Tania to stop in and make sure he’s eating properly. If there’s anyone else that can get Pap to listen, it’s her.”

  Jesus, Walt wasn’t kidding, she’s tough on him about this diet shit. “I just need to run to the house and pack a few things. Think you can be ready in an hour?”

  She nods, a stunning smile lighting up her face. “I’m excited. I’ve never really gone anywhere before.”

  I frown. “Never?”

  “Not really. With Pap being the only one around here and Grams’s poor health it was hard to travel. Tania and I had plans to go to Paris after graduation. I bought my plane ticket and everything, but then Grams passed away and I couldn’t go. I felt horrible for backing out on her, but I just couldn’t leave Pap. A mutual friend of ours ended up buying my ticket and they went together. She wasn’t pleased about it though. She wanted to stay behind with me, but I convinced her to go.” She shrugs, fiddling with the hem of her nightgown. “I’m fine with it all. Vacations or not, I loved my childhood. Growing up here was everything to me. This farm means everything to me.”

  It’s clear to see that. I love that she appreciates the simpler things in life. But someone as vibrant as she is should at least see some of the world. I’m starting to understand what Walt meant during our talk this morning.

  “But now I’ll get to go on my first vacation with you,” she says excitedly, as if I’m taking her to the Caribbean instead of a fucking cabin in the Ozarks.

  Well shit. “Don’t get too excited, baby. It’s not much, but it’s quiet and does have some kick-ass scenery.” I love it there, but I haven’t been since my dad died. I haven’t wanted to face the memories, but it will be easier with Liv there. She’ll be the perfect distraction.

  “Mmm.” She leans in close and presses a warm kiss to my mouth, her lips titled with a smile. “It’ll be perfect because I’ll be with you…alone,” she whispers, giving me another kiss.

  I clutch her hips with a growl, trying to restrain myself from throwing her on this kitchen table and taking her right now. “Yeah, baby, we’re going to be alone, and I’m going to put that time to good use.”

  Her cheeks flush red, desire swirling in her warm brown depths. Jesus, if I don’t get out of here now I’m going to lose my precious control, then Walt will really put a bullet in my ass.

  I stand, lifting her with me then drop her to her feet. “Pack a bag, Liv. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Now look who’s being bossy,” she sasses with a smirk.

  Curling my hand around her neck, I tug her close and drop a hard kiss on her mouth. “Pack a bag, Liv… Please.”

  “Okay,” she replies breathlessly, making me chuckle.

  “Be back soon, baby.”



  Surrounded by nothing but wilderness, I stare out the window at the beautiful scenery as we drive down the winding road. It seems like another world out here, nothing but peace and serenity, something that I’m in desperate need of. Even the faint smell of pine trees filling the truck soothes me.

  Grayson gently squeezes my hand where our fingers are linked between us on top of the console, his thumb stoking the inside of my wrist. “We’re almost there, baby. Just a few more minutes.”

  With a smile on my face that hasn’t wavered since we left, I look over at him and my tummy dips with excitement. Considering I’ve been in this truck with him for the past eight hours, and he can still make me feel this way, proves how lethal he could be to my heart if I’m not careful. I’ve enjoyed the long drive with him. We talked a lot about ourselves, and I’ve gotten to know so much more about him. What his likes and dislikes are, his childhood, how much he loved football and sometimes misses it. Pretty much everything that shaped him to be the man he is today, and knowing it all has made me love him even more… I tense at the thought.

  Whoa, slow down, Liv, isn’t it a little too soon for that?

  Though, if I were being honest, this isn’t the first time the thought has floated through my mind, and it has surprised even me. Of course I care about him, how could I not after everything he has done for me these past few weeks? I’ve always had a crush on him, just like almost every other girl in Harmony Falls, but it’s more than that. Getting to know the real him, not Deputy Taylor, not Harmony Falls’s town golden boy and football star, just Grayson. I’ve come to learn he’s far more than I ever thought he could be. Being on the receiving end of his friendship and affection, has my feelings growing deeper by the day. I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before.<
br />
  Heat invades my body when I think about the way he touched me last night and how he brought pleasure to both my body and soul. He began healing a part of me I worried might have been dead but Grayson proved it wasn’t. With just the small touch from his skilled fingers and that low, smooth voice of his, he gave me the most extraordinary pleasure I’ve ever felt. I can only imagine what it will feel like to be all his, for him to claim every part of me like he said he was going to. Just the thought has a small ache starting between my legs. But my favorite part about last night was sleeping in his arms. It brought me the safety I’ve yearned for. To know I will get to feel it again for the next few nights has me feeling happier and calmer than I have in a long time.

  “Here we are.”

  At the announced arrival I pull my eyes away from Grayson, realizing I was just gawking at him like an idiot, and look out the windshield as we pull up to our destination. Unable to contain myself, I hop out of the truck as it barely comes to a stop and take in the beautiful, rustic log house. It’s bigger than your average cabin but smaller than a family home. It’s clean and well maintained with freshly potted plants decorating a large porch. I wasn’t really sure what to expect since I’ve never been to a cabin before, but I have seen a few. I expected something a little more…worn and weathered, maybe? But that’s not the case at all, if I didn’t know better I would think someone was living here.

  Grayson comes around the truck, standing beside me with our suitcases in hand. “Looks like Vilma went above and beyond, as usual,” he says, with feigned annoyance.

  “Vilma?” I ask, looking up at him.

  “Yeah, she and her husband, Jim, are good friends of my parents. They live in Riverbend, about ten miles from here, and help keep the place up. I wired her some money with a grocery list, asking if she would be willing to grab us some food for the next few days. Obviously, she did a hell of a lot more than that.”

  I can tell by the way he speaks of them that they’re people he cares about. “Well it’s beautiful, more than I could have ever expected.”